Starting Konnect™

With the system dependencies installed and the docker configuration in place, you are now ready to launch your Konnect™ access server.

First, if you haven't done so already, switch to the installation directory of Konnect™ on your deployment host. If you followed our examples in the previous sections (or used any of the pre-built cloud images), that directory is /opt/konnect. If you picked a different directory in the last section, please adjust the commands accordingly.

cd /opt/konnect

This directory should contain two items: a docker-compose.yml file and a directory called letsencrypt.

$ ls -la

drwxr-xr-x    3 root  root      96 24 Mar 10:14 letsencrypt
-rw-r--r--    1 root  root  337126 24 Mar 10:14 docker-compose.yml

Launch the Konnect™ server application stack using the docker compose CLI:

docker compose up

The above command starts the application stack in the foreground - that means when your terminal session ends, the application stack will terminate and your Konnect™ access server will be stopped.

Running the application stack in the foreground rather than as a background daemon at this time serves two purposes:

  • you can see the terminal output of each service in the stack and can easily spot problems, for example, missing or wrong configuration.
  • after the application stack initializes for the first time, a unique auto-generated Setup Token is printed on the terminal output, which you will need to copy and paste into a security dialog in the next step.

The terminal output containing your secure setup token will look similar to this:

web.1 |
web.1 |
web.1 | The setup token for your installation is 31fc051f98e8dec2107afa1e34fe8923
web.1 |
web.1 |

Note: Please take a note of the setup token now, since is required to access the first-time configuration wizard.

After you finish the first-time configuration, you can use the docker compose up -d command instead to run the application stack as a background service that automatically restarts whenever a service crashes, or your deployment host reboots.