Email Settings

Your Konnect™ access server can use your email server to send notifications, setup instructions, and account recovery emails to users. To use this functionality, you need to configure your email server settings. Konnect™ can use any SMTP compatible email server.

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Ci/Admin Portal Email Settings.Png


Before you integrate Konnect™ access server with your SMTP-compatible email server, please ensure that:

  • you have network connectivity between your Konnect™ server deployment and your email server. In particular, on-premise hosted email servers may require an additional proxy service to allow a cloud-deployed Konnect™ access server to connect.

  • if you are using a non-standard email server (Webmail, Exchange, ...) please make sure that additional support for the SMTP protocol is enabled in your email server.

  • you have provisioned a dedicated mail user for Konnect™ with a minimal set of access rights for your mail server.

Configuring your Email Server

To configure your SMTP-compatible email server, navigate to the Email Settings page and provide the following information:

  • From Address: the email addressthat you would like your Konnect™ server to send emails from.

  • Sending Domain: if required by your SMTP server the domain that is used to authenticate the originating domain of your emails.

  • Username: the username you would like your Konnect™ server to use to authenticate to the SMTP server before sending an email.

  • Password: the password used to authenticate to your SMTP server

  • SMTP Server Address: the hostname or IP address of your SMTP server.

  • SMTP Server Port: the port on which your SMTP is listening for connections. Usually 25 for SMTP Relay, 465 for Implicit SSL/TLS, 587 or 2525 for Explicit SSL/TLS. Please refer to your SMTP server documentation or configuration reference to determine which port to configure. Modern email servers commonly use port 587.

  • StartTLS Support: flip this switch to the ON position if your SMTP server supports StartTLS for secure email transmissions.

  • Authentication Type: the type of authentication required by your SMTP server. The options are Plain if your SMTP server requires your username and password to be transmitted Base64 encoded in a single line, Login if your SMTP server requires username and password to be transmitted seperately, and CRAM-MD5 if your SMTP server supports encrypted login.

  • Enable SMTPS: flip this switch to the ON position if your SMTP server requires an SMTP connection wrapped in transport-layer security (TLS).

  • OpenSSL Verify Mode: is required if you enabled SMTPS. Options are none to skip certificate verification, and peer to verify the SMTP server certificate.

Note: Konnect™ does not currently allow to configure custom x.509 certificate stores, so connecting to a server through SMTPS with self-signed certificates is not supported at this time.

Click on Save Settings to save the SMTP configuration.

Testing your Email Settings

After saving your configuration, you can test your settings by clicking on Test Email Settings.

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Ci/Admin Portal Test Email Settings.Png

By default, Konnect™ server sends a test email to the address of your currently logged in administrator user. If you wish to send the test email to a different address, please enter that address in the Send Test Email To field. Click on Send to send a test email. If sending fails, error messages from the email system will be displayed on this page to help you diagnose your email settings. Click on Back to Email Settings to exit the test email page.